Sprained Ankle
A sprained ankle is a common injury in children, and it can be quite painful. But how do you know if your child has a sprain? And what should you do if they have one? Here’s everything you need to know about sprained ankles—and how to deal with them when they occur.
A sprained ankle is a torn or stretched ankle ligament.
A sprained ankle is an injury to the ligament that connects the bones of your ankle. Sprains are common in children, and they usually heal within a few weeks.
The most common cause of a sprained ankle is a fall or twist, but other causes include not warming up before exercise or playing sports, especially if you’re already injured from another condition or injury.
Symptoms of a sprain include pain and swelling around your foot (redness), bruising and tenderness at first. Some people also have difficulty walking or putting weight on their feet because it hurts too much to bear any weight on them. These symptoms can lead to a painful experience, especially in children, if not treated immediately. For personalized and professional sprained ankle treatment in gurgaon procedures, connect with the authorities at Saqsham Ortho today!
Causes of a sprained ankle
A sprained ankle is a common injury that can occur to anyone, especially athletes. It’s important to know the causes of this condition so you can take steps to prevent it from happening again in the future. Below listed are some of the common causes of a sprained ankle.
The most common cause of a sprained ankle is when your foot twists or rolls awkwardly during exercise, such as running or jumping onto an uneven surface. This type of injury occurs because there isn’t enough support for your foot as you move through space, causing it to twist unnaturally and make contact with an object (such as another person’s feet). If this happens again soon after treatment has started, then there’s a good chance that swelling will become worse before it improves—and even though it might feel better at first glance, restlessness may make sleeping difficult! Contact our experts at Saqsham Ortho to get sprained ankle treatment & diagnosis for your child today.
Signs and symptoms of a sprained ankle
Signs and symptoms of a sprained ankle include:
- Pain, swelling and bruising at the site of injury. This can be severe enough to require medical attention.
- Weakness in one or both knees (especially if you’re older than 50 years), which can make it difficult to walk normally after an injury like this on your feet. You may also experience instability in those joints, meaning they are not able to resist normal movements as well as usual after an injury like this on your feet.
- Difficulty bearing weight on the foot (also known as “deformity”). For example, if you were running when something went wrong—you tripped over something or fell down—and landed heavily onto one leg with all of its weight bearing down upon it for several minutes before getting up again without help from anyone else!
If you are not able to see any signs of the same but are still feeling pain and sensations in your ankle, consult with our specialists at Saqsham Ortho immediately!
How to treat a sprained ankle
Treating a sprained ankle requires that you first assess the situation. If it’s an acute injury, follow these steps:
- Rest: Your child should stay on their feet as much as possible in order to take pressure off their ankle and reduce swelling. This may mean sitting on the floor or couch with their injured foot elevated slightly above heart level (about seven inches). Crutches can also be helpful if they allow mobility around your house so that you can get them up and down stairs without causing further stress on their legs or back. Don’t put too much weight on your child’s leg until they’re fully recovered—this could cause further damage and even increase their chances of re-injuring themselves if they try to walk around on it too soon or exercise too much after being injured! Instead of walking around all day long (which is stressful), try taking breaks from work and getting some rest whenever possible so that there’s less chance that you’ll end up injuring yourself further down the road.
- Ice treatment: The first thing to do is apply cold packs or an ice bag to the affected area for 20 minutes every hour until the swelling goes down (or until you go to bed). Apply ice packs wrapped in cloths to decrease swelling by constricting blood flow through the constriction of capillaries—small blood vessels that are part of every tissue in our body. This will help reduce inflammation and pain while also reducing swelling in the injured joint.
If the pain is quite severe and you do not find the above-mentioned home remedies effective on your child’s ankle, you should immediately consult our doctors at Saqsham Ortho for expert and speedy diagnosis and ailment. Our team will be more than willing to help you and your child to the fullest.
In the end, your child will recover more quickly and fully if you take care of their sprained ankle at home. Start by keeping them off of their feet for a few days. This can be done by taking them on trips to places where they can rest their feet such as home or school, or perhaps even getting some help from a friend who lives close by! Next, make sure that they are drinking plenty of fluids as well as eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. You should also take some pain killers such as ibuprofen into account when treating any pain caused in this area because it would probably help with healing faster too!
For detailed treatment and medication options, consult our doctors at Saqsham Ortho today and find an effective and efficient cure and treatment for sprained ankle in no time!
During a checkup your doctor will examine your ankle, foot and lower leg. The doctor will touch the skin around the injury to check for points of tenderness and move your foot to check the range of motion and to understand what positions cause discomfort or pain
You can take the help of a few home remedies but a doctor visit is a must.
An acute ankle sprain is treated with RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation). If you are unable to walk after an injury, a doctor consult is a must for proper assessment and treatment. In cases where ankle sprain is persistent and ligaments are torn, surgery to repair the ligaments may be indicated.
At Saqsham, we care for your well-being and strive to bring you the best orthopaedic care and solutions. If you are experiencing any foot and ankle issues and would like to get a medical opinion,
we’d suggest you book an appointment.