
Ankle arthritis is a common condition that affects people of all ages. Ankle arthritis can be caused by
injury, previous joint damage, or inflammation. The exact cause is not known, but it seems to run in
families. It usually affects one or both ankles and causes pain when standing or walking for long
periods of time.

Ankle Arthritis Affect In Day To Day Life

  •  Pain
  • Stiffness, swelling and tenderness in the joint area can lead to ankle pain.
  • Bone spurs at the base of the joint can cause pain when you are walking or standing. The
    bone spur presses against other parts of your foot, causing pain and loss of motion.
  • Stair climbing can be difficult due to stiffness or swelling in your ankles, knees and hips due
    to arthritis in those areas too!

Pain is the most common symptom of arthritis in the ankle. Pain may be severe and constant, or it
may only occur when you move your foot or ankle.

Pain can be described as:

  • A dull ache, especially at night when you’re lying down
  • Sharp pain that starts suddenly
  • Burning sensation in an area (like the tip of your big toe) that feels hot to touch but not
    painful to touch further up on your toes (this one is especially common with gout)

Numbness and tingling, especially when you first wake up in the morning. Pain that travels from your
foot up to your knee (often with swelling). If you are experiencing a lot of pain, consult the best orthopaedic doctor in Gurgaon today.


Stiffness is a common symptom of ankle arthritis. It can be described as the inability to move the
ankle joint through its full range of motion, leading to an ankle sprain.

Stiffness can be caused by swelling, inflammation, or muscle tightness. Stiffness at night may mean
that you need to take your leg up higher on your pillow or use an extra pillow under it so that you
don’t wake up with pain in the morning due to the stiffening of muscles around joints during sleep


Swelling is a common symptom of ankle arthritis. It can be caused by inflammation, fluid build-up,
injury to the joint or infection.

Athletes who have been training for long periods or those who participate in very high-impact sports
are more likely to develop swelling in their ankles as they age because of repetitive stress on their
joints. This can cause pain and discomfort, which may keep them from walking properly for certain
periods of time.


  • Pain, swelling and stiffness in the ankle joint
  • Bone spurs (the bony growths on the underside of your foot)
  • Stair climbing can be difficult for some people with arthritic ankles. If you have trouble using
    stairs or other inclines, try using a riser to elevate your feet above the risers instead of
    walking up them. You may also find it easier to climb stairs if you walk up them one step at a
    time rather than taking all four steps at once.

You should avoid prolonged standing or walking as this can cause pain after resting or inactivity.
Consult the best orthopaedic doctor in Gurgaon today!

Bone spurs

Along the edges of joints, hard, bony growths called “bone spurs” form. Chronic inflammation, which
can hurt and make movement difficult, is what causes them. Your feet may also experience pain
from bone spurs (and other parts of your body).

Stair climbing can be difficult.

If you’re experiencing pain and stiffness in your ankle, it can be difficult to climb stairs.

Stairs are one of the most common places for people to experience ankle arthritis. The pain is often
worse after rest or inactivity and tends to get better when you put weight on foot again. Pain may
also be worse at night, which is why many people do their best gardening work during daylight hours
instead of in the evening hours when there’s less light available for them to see what they’re doing (and therefore less risk of injuring themselves).

Can be in severe pain while standing or walking

The pain can be severe and can sometimes be worse when you are standing or walking. It may be
more intense in the morning or after resting. Pain may also be worse after exercise, but this is not
always the case and depends on your personal pain threshold.

Pain is often worse after rest or inactivity.

The leg is a complex joint, and the pain can be caused by several factors. One of these factors is the
swelling in your ankle after activity or rest. This swelling occurs because of an excess of fluid in your
body which results from tissue damage, inflammation or even infection.

If you have arthritis, this excess fluid can cause changes in how your joints move and feel. As a result,
they may become stiffer than normal, which means that it becomes harder for them to move freely
without causing pain during everyday activities such as walking around on the flat ground like when
going shopping etc.,

May experience occasional locking.

Locking can be one of the most painful experiences that ankle arthritis patients experience. The joint
becomes stiff and swollen, and it is difficult to move your foot around. You may feel like you are
walking on a hard surface rather than having normal flexibility in your ankle.

The best way to avoid locking episodes is to keep moving during the day by doing some light
exercises such as stretching or jogging on flat ground (no hills!).

It may feel like bone is rubbing on bone.

You may feel like your bones are rubbing against each other. This can cause pain, swelling and
tenderness in the joint. It is common for the ankle to be out of alignment, and this will cause bone
rubbing on bone.

The second most common symptom of ankle arthritis is locking up or stiffness in your foot as a result
of this bone rubbing on bone, causing inflammation or swelling around the joint capsule (the
structure that surrounds all joints).


Ankle arthritis affects day-to-day life. It can be a challenging condition to manage, especially if you
have a job that requires standing for long periods of time. But don’t let this condition keep you from
doing what you love; there are plenty of ways to deal with the pain associated with ankle arthritis
and still live your best li